Intro for the Magazine 'Aurora', Sunrise...
AURORA If a local Indian hears the word ‘ Aurora’ , we are sure that he/she would not understand the significant of the term; as well as if one sees the word as the title of our magazine, he/she would be confused without knowing the meaning. One may think it has been selected as ‘beat around the bush,’ but it is not like that because everything in this world has meaning. If a person of the science department hears this term, he/she thinks surely of the shimmering display of light from the upper atmosphere, and this concept has something to do with the title we have chosen. Let us come to the point now. The word Aurora , which is the title of the magazine, is an Italian word which means in English ‘Sunrise.’ The title is chosen as it teaches us the moral of life, especially from the point of view of the up-growing children. Here the word its...